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Back to Warsaw: You normally don't see me this way...

And I must say it's true! You normally don't see me in pants, and that's because I normally don't wear them! But when I saw a couple of months ago this gorgeous jean salopettes, I totally fell in love. I used it when I was back in Warsaw, and it was really cosy and great.

Normalmente no me veis de esta guisa... y ¡es cierto! No soléis verme llevando pantalón largo, y se debe a que apenas utilizo. Pero cuando hace un par de meses vi este peto vaquero, me enamoré por completo. Es cómodo y muy chulo, ¿verdad?

 Salopette - Cache Cache
Knitwear - Vintage
Socks - Asos
Shoes - Dr. Martens
Cap - Pimkie

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