Magic Mike XXL movie review. This film once again reunites Channing Tatum,
Magic Mike character the male entertainer with these other males entertainer buddies as they go on a road trip to this convention which they are trying to make some money. But it is really about camaraderie amongst these men, the conversations about what they do, their viewpoints on their position in life. And it is actually a lot deeper than than you might expect in the first movie.
This is a gorgeous looking movie, I mean that i all sincerity. Magic Mike is a beautifully shot film with excellent cinematography and lighting. The movie is not MTV Movie that the trailers are trying to make you think it is.
It was disappointing to know that McConaguhey was not in this movie, but in his place as MC is Jonah Pinkett Smith and she is great as well.
magic mike xxl review |
I have made a lot of observations about Magic Mike, something about this movie are so interesting. First, girls are exited seeing it. But the strange thing was that a lot of woman were really disappointing because the trailer marketed like it was Step Up 5 for adults or something. It was a movie that actually explore people's lives.
But I'm gonna give this movie B+!
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Magic Mike XXL - Movie Review
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