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Road to Mister Internacional Espana 2016!

One of the most awaited national competition for Mister International is the Mister Internacional Espana. A very organized male competition, the 2016 edition of Mister International Spain will be held on 28th May at FERGUS Hotels in Platja D´Aro, Girona. Alejandro Nieto , Míster Internacional España 2015, will hand over the title during the event.

The winner of this contest will represent Spain in the Mister International 2016 competition which will select the successor of Pedro Mendes of Switzerland who won the Mister International 2015 contest held in Manila, Philippines.

Here are the candidates for Mister Internacional Espana 2016:

David Bernat: Míster Internacional España - Barcelona 2016

Aitor Ferrón Hidalgo: Míster Internacional España - Ceuta 2016

Noel Castiñeira: Míster Internacional España - Galicia 2016

Pere Matas: Míster Internacional España - Girona 2016

Marcelo Peñaranda: Míster Internacional España - Guadalajara 2016

Francisco Plaza: Mister Internacional Espana - Malaga 2016

Carlos Marquez Saez: Mister Internacional España - Segovia 2016

Christian Perez: Mister Internacional España - Valencia 2016

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