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Water Color

Ever done a mani that looks so much better in person than it does in a macro shot?  That's how I feel about this one.  I wanted to try a water color mani after seeing it here.  It's a really easy process that creates a fun look.  A messy look, which I'm not used to, but still fun.

I started by painting my nails white with Sally Hansen Whirlwind White.  Then I put a coat of Seche Vite over top.  Then I put a blob of Sinful Colors Folly (pink) on my table and dipped a nail art brush in acetone and mixed that into Folly to dilute the color.  I just added it here and there to my nails.  Then I did the same thing with SH Mellow Yellow next, and SH Blue Me Away as my last color. 

Don't forget to enter my giveaway here, to win Claire's Candy Shop and ACO Glitter Me Pink.

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