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Piggy Polish at Sunset

I guess I'm glad for once I'm behind posting because for some reason, I can't upload pix in Blogger right now....haven't been able to for a few days.  In the meanwhile, here's a mani I did a few weekends ago. 

Nothing super fantastic here, but hey, they can't all be super fantastic, can they? lol!  It was the nearing the end of the day and I felt like a mani change for something to do, so quickly did this before the daylight faded. 

Started with a base of three coats of Piggy Polish Dream Out Loud.  This polish would probably be pretty cool layered over black, but I did it alone.

Shade Pix.

Stamped using black Konad special polish, using SdP 37.  Topped with SV.  The pix shows the golden hues of the sun starting to set versus the brilliant sunlight during the day.

Pix in the shade.  This is more true to colour IRL.

One final shot before the sun went down.

This was the sun setting over the lake and I quickly took a pix before it set.  It was a beautiful sunset...well, if you're into that kinda thing, which I happen to be!  But this pix will give you an idea why my nails have a golden hue to them in the above pix!

I'll be away on vacation for 10 days or so, up to September 4th; my internet connection is always iffy in cottage country and I'm not sure if I'll have time to do a few scheduled posts or not...hopefully, but if you don't see an updated post in a while, you'll know why!  Not to mention not being able to upload pix to Blogger....I guess I'll see if I can figure out why too.  Otherwise, it will be archived posts until I do...if I get connected, that is!

Thanks for looking!  Have a great weekend!

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