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'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Review

Nominated for: Best Visual Effects.

By far the best X-Men movie made so far and it definitely hyped me up for whats to come for the series. It came up with a great solution to solve a majority of the continuity errors from the previous X-Men movies by altering the timeline giving Fox creative freedom to fill in the gap.  Bryan Singer did a wonderful job directing and was able to create action scenes that left my eyes glued to the screen. I saw the film in 3D and think it definitely added to the experience. The acting in this movie was incredible the standout performances were Hugh Jackman, Evan Peters, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult and Michael Fassbender. First of all, Hugh Jackman had some great scenes as Wolverine, he fits the role perfectly and I hope he will continue playing it in the years to come. Evan  Peters portrayed Quicksilver and a few months ago when photos were released of his costume I was worried that this version of Quicksilver wasn't going to be that great. But I ate my words when Evan Peters stole every scene he was in as a mischievous teenager, his scenes were hilarious and amongst my favorite moments of the movie, once I got past the ridiculous costume, I hope he will return in future X-Men films because he was a highlight of the movie. Don't worry there's a great joke that honors his parentage. Next, Jennifer Lawrence was young Mystique and I was very surprised how much the film revolved around her character she was central to the plot and throughout the film Charles and Magneto are fighting for her soul. Charles desires for her to turn back and be good while Magneto desires her to do what is necessary in order to protect mutants and I thought that was interesting dynamic of the movie. She delivered a solid performance and was given much more importance compared to X-Men: First Class. Nicolas Hoult played a young Hank McCoy, aka Beast, and did great for what he had to work with, it was great to see the character return since Beast is one of my favorite mutants. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender each delivered a outstanding performance returning as young Charles Xavier aka Professor X  and young Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto  respectively. Overall the film did a great job utilizing two storylines, the future and the past, without seeming to be overcrowded with characters. I recommend you see this movie but you don't need to see it in 3D, its just an added bonus that makes the action scenes more enjoyable. Make sure you stay through the credits!

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