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Fashion as Couples Therapy (Part 6), Let's Get Into Physical (Part 3)

Okay, now we have a massive collision of categories: Fashion as Couples Therapy + Let's Get into Physical =  The Moral Decline of Western Civilization (Part 1).  Confused ?  Good!, Let us proceed.....
WARNING: Dear Readers, please be advised that I have had a completely awful week at work.  Therefore I'm about to torque off into a direction that will reveal the hidden, darken corners of my so-called "soul".  You have been fairly warned.........
Before we get to the standard fare of catalog pics, we must first examine, from an historical perspective, the relationship between "couples" fashions, aerobics exercise, specifically that venerable 70s trend of "Jogging" (or is it yogging, with a soft J?) and the complete moral collapse of Western Civilization.  To wit, I bring you......

SUBJECT: A Comparative Study of the Relationship between "Couples" Fashion in exercise and the decline of Western Morals

THESIS: Couples Fashions trends not only followed the decline of Western morality, they actually were a key factor in accelerating the trend.  To prove this hypothesis, we bring evidence from three time periods: Pre-70s, 70s, and Post-70s.  Please note that the definition of "70s" loosely corresponds to roughly the time period from the late 60s to the early 80s....

Pre 70s Era: Sportswear for the Active Couple......
Note the traditional coupling - the dashing gent provisioning for his elegant lady!  No sweating allowed!! (Re-blogged from The Art of Manliness)

The 70s:  The pivotal historical transition point as "aerobics" begins in the humble form of jogging....
Note the more unisex attire as the definition of coupling becomes more elastic.  These boomers are working up a sweat in search of that elusive runner's "high". (Re-blogged from Paco Camino).

Post-70s: Now, and brace yourself dear readers, for the post-70s apocalypse of aerobics evolution from jogging to the more developed forms...
What the heck happened?????

CONCLUSION?  Couples exercise fashions were, not only a key indicator, they were in fact a an accelerant in the decline of Western Civilization. And it all began with jogging!
Not a fan of jogging (or is it yogging), prefers jazz flute (and unicorns).

Now with that historical perspective, back to the catalog pics.....

Hey dude, eyes ahead, but on second thought, okay, I get it.  Yes, friends, we FINALLY have a Kathy pic. I know that this is the Kathy Loghry Blogspot and we are 5 pics in before a shot of Kathy, but hey, I got a little sidetracked with that Historical Perspective. (Thanks to Blue Senshi for the pic!)

Oh, give me a break!! Nobody is that happy when they're jogging.   I know, their trainer told them to do LSD of the 70s (Long Slow Distance) and they mistook that for the LSD of the 60s - groovy baby!!!

Yep, they're dressed the part, but with those smiles, I doubt any actual jogging occurred.  Still Kathy and Jayne are looking pretty good!

There, I feel a lot better now.  I ask you where else can you find a post that combined all these elements: Veronica Corningstone, Schweppes, Kathy Loghry, Richard Simmons, and Jayne Modean?  Still, it seems like I left someone out - someone indispensable for a post of this epicness....

 Light My Fire, Light My Fire, Light My Fire....

Yes, I had a bad week.........

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