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It wasn't raining at midnight yesterday, but it's raining now.  It's more of a light rain and the tempreture feels a lot colder.  It's more of an Auttumn-like chill outside.  It's a good idea to bring along both a waterproof coat and an umbrella outside, because it's going to be needed.  I'm not sure how long it's going to rain outside.  It's a three mile walk from my house to the Strongsville Public Library.  It looks like I'm going to walk three miles through the rain.  Still, rain is important.  Rain is crucial for fish, ducks and plants.  Rain prevents Ohio from turning into a desert.  Ah yes, we should all be thankful for rain.  And there are drought stricken areas of the United States of America that's wishing that rain was possible.  To be honest, I much prefer rain over snow.  I'm about to eat breakfast.  Cold cereal, grapes and coffee to be more exact.  I'll need lots of energy for my three mile walk.  Hey, I could always use the exercise. 
Here are some photos of film actress Anne Hathaway.  I don't know the name of the gentleman that she's hanging out with in the photos.  It's safe to assume that the gentleman in question wasn't
Raffaello Follieri---Somebody she dated starting in 2004.  I'm only saying that because Raffaello Follieri was arrested in June 24, 2008, sentenced to four and a half years in jail and deported in  October 23, 2008.  Nicknamed Vati-Con by the police, Raffaello Follieri conned innocent investers who were fooled that they were investing in Vatican City related property when in reality, the Vatican City related properties never existed.  Plus, Anne Hathaway broke up with Raffaello Follieri only a few days before he was arrested in June 24, 2008.  So who is the gentleman that she's with in the below photos?  I don't know.  I never met anybody rich and famous.  What I know about their private lives is what I've read in the tabloids, official biographies, unofficial biographies and the Internet.  And I don't read the tabloids very often.

It would be fun to go swimming at the beach---Assuming it's still warm enough to go swimming outside (Which it isn't) and assuming there are outdoor beaches in Cleveland, Ohio that can be reached by public bus (I have yet to find any, but I'm still looking).  I guess outdoor beaches are easier to find wherever Anne Hathaway was when the below photos were taken.

Finding an event important enough to wear formal attire is rare in the minimum employment world that I live in.  However, it's always a good idea to have formal attire on hand just in case one of those rare moment when formal attire is needed---Just to be on the safe side.

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