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Chain flower tutorial

I made these simple flowers to help my week 1 crochet beginners go home with something in their hands even though they could only chain at that point. This post is for them to find the tutorial. They are quite sweet and really easy to do.

Make a slip knot to start.

Ch4 and slip stitch into the first ch to make a circle

Ch6 this is your first petal

Slip stitch this into the circle.

Continue to add petals by chaining 6 and slip stitching
it into the centre. You can do 5 or 6.

Finish off but pulling yarn through the last stitch and ensuring it sits between the petals.

 Here is one with 5 petals. Do as many as you like, make the petals longer and add more for a daisy effect, do one on a larger hook and layer them up. The world is your oyster. Have a go. Jo xx

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