So this week, from Netflix, it's going to be Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Brute Force, and De Sade, Cy Enfield's apparently Hammer-esque horror film, starring Keir Dullea, and written by Richard Matheson.
The sheer variety of triple (or however many movies you get at a time) feature options afforded by the good, if occasionally frustrating, folks at Netflix is mind-boggling, and I try to plan them well. This grouping is a pretty good one, I think. Two genre films, one with a trashy reputation, one which has garnered far more respect, and another movie that is an established art-film classic. And they're all pretty short, too!
I have to confess that for a while I've harbored this minor fantasy that all of the wonderfully knowledgable and friendly bloggers I've met over the past year or so would start sharing their Netflix queues with each other -- you know, that whole "Friends" thing they have -- so we could all see what everybody else was up to. The point of this post is actually not to try and get anyone to do that, because I can see the downside to it, too. I mean, I don't think Jonathan or Dennis or Brian or Rick or Fox (especially not Fox), or even Marilyn, would regard me askance if they knew that I had, waiting in my queue, Ubalda, All Naked and Warm, but I do have a few films in there that I simply don't have the energy to try and explain to anyone. Frankly, it's none of your business. No, I will not share my queue with any of you people. Mind your own business!
But next week's triple feature...what do you think about The Company of Wolves, Air Force and Short Eyes? Or maybe Leaves from Satan's Book, The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On and The Real Andy Kaufman? Young Mr. Lincoln, My Favorite Year and Body Parts?
Well. That's enough randomness for one night. G'night!
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