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3rd Line Battalion in Aubreme’s Brigade of Chasse’s Division

 As part of the painting consortium working on the Waterloo diorama, I'm able to present this excellent Belgian square.  The unit in question is the 3rd Line Battalion in Aubreme's brigade of Chasse’s division.  The Battalion was commanded by Lt Col E P  L'Honneux. 

For reasons of privacy, I don't name names on the Blog but I'm very grateful for this latest contribution.

The figures are the usual mix.  The front row (kneeling) are mostly Kennington.  The rest are mixture of Hat and Art Miniaturen with a fair few others mixed in.

In addition to the line companies, the Chasseurs are shown with green cords and plumes and the grenadiers with red.

The square joins the other 25 battalions that now no longer all fit on the dining room table!

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