Time Out For A Talk - Julin
A couple weeks ago I did a review of the movie The Final (2010), and I couldn't get that movie out of my head. Everyone involved did such an amazing job, and I had to do an interview with one of the amazing actors. I chose Julin, and asked if she would be willing to do an interview, and she agreed! Her acting as Heather in The Final is amazing. She plays the stereotypical cheerleader bubblegum bitch, and from what I have heard, that is nothing like her in real life. To me, that is really great acting. From her starting horror performance as Miko in Sweatshop I was excited to learn about her future projects including: Killer School Girls From Outer Space, Spirit Camp, Boggy Creek, The Unseen, the lead in Cherry Bomb, and Vampire Diaries Renfield. Those are just the horror movies, she is also in Puncture, Up & Down, and the hugely anticipated comedy Mardi Gras with Nicholas D'Agosto and Bret Harrison. She is becoming extremely popular extremely fast, and food good reason. So without continuing to ramble like a stalker here is the interview:

Julin as Heather in The Final (2010)
R.D. - Sweatshop, The Final, Killer Schoolgirls From Outer Space, Spirit Camp, Boggy Creek, The Unseen, Vampire Diaries Renfield, and Cherry Bomb! Your profile is booming with horror movies galore. How do you feel about getting all these amazing roles? The title role in Cherry Bomb? You have to be excited about that.
Julin - I love them, I love to play all different kinds of Characters, with Killer School girls, I was an alien so that was fun, and with Spirit Camp playing a bitchy cheerleader is so opposite of me, it was also cool. Of Course I just got done playing Cherry in Cherry Bomb, so I was a little nervous about giving everyone a lap dance, but once the director said action I was in the zone, it was fun to kick some ass too!
R.D. - You have been thrown into so much acting in such a short time. What was it like before you started acting? What did you do before becoming an actress?
Julin - I played tennis for 10 years, I played a little in college, that was my life, but I'm always an artist at heart, so I would write, or sing, always something with performing, I never thought I would be an actress, someone suggested I try it, and I did and fell in love with it. I love being on set and playing in front of the camera trying to make the scene look the best and work on my craft, I still love learning and trying new things I just want to be at that level where the people I admire are, I don't know how they do it, that is why I am still learning.

Julin as Cherry in Cherry Bomb (2010)
R.D. - You have a natural talent for acting, and have even been labeled a Scream Queen. How do you feel about this title?
Julin - Thanks so much!Scream Queen I love it, who else can say that, lol, I want a shirt that says it on there. It's fun and I love meeting everyone that digs horror movies, everyone is so nice and supportive, it's great to meet the people that dig the stuff that you do.

Julin as Miko in Sweatshop (2009)
R.D. - What is the most memorable moment you have had acting on a horror movie so far?
Julin - Most definitely in Sweatshop I had to throw up some blood on another actor, and I aimed right for his face, it was the most gross stuff I had to put in my mouth, it was filled with coffee grinds, cereal, syrup, I don't even know, that was the most messy scene I have ever done, it was my last day too, I have some pics on my facebook, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Julin-Jean/263983632271
R.D. - If you had to pick one role you have liked playing the most, what would it be?
Julin - Of course I would say Cherry, because she is a stripper and a killer, who wouldn't want to play that, it has been really challenging this past month, I hope all the hard work pays off. :)

Julin as Kay O'Brian in Boggy Creek (2010)
R.D. - Where do you see yourself going in the future? Do you plan to continue your current reign over the horror genre?
Julin - I'm looking into doing some more different kind of roles, I will always do horror movies, but also I have done a romantic comedy Up & Down, and also a comedy Mardi Gras. I would love to do comedy, romantic, and thriller and drama, and action, all of them! I'm going to be at the Texas Frightmare Weekend in Dallas coming up, and I have some more movies in the works, they can be checked out on http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2734149/. Also I am still recording a second album, my first one is available on itunes. www.myspace.com/julin
R.D. - I know as a viewer, myself and others look forward to seeing more great movies from you in the future. That being said, what is your favorite horror movie?
Julin - I love "It", by Stephen King or Freddy Krueger, they are classic and I loved watching them when I was little and still watching them now. :)

I just want to say that was a great interview, and thank you to Julin for taking part in it. I look forward to whatever the future brings for her, and I'm sure everyone can agree, it will be big things.
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